Saturday, July 27, 2002

"why we are us, i just dont know"

Friday, July 26, 2002

apparently it doesnt matter whether its www or not. they both work.
things are pretty good. went out at 5 this morning to go to lake artemesia and take pictures. i just stayed up until 5. i am soo tired now though. even though after i got back form the lake i slept for a while until liek 2:30. good times being lazy. then i played video games at erins then went to college pakr and ate food and swung on swings. i was bored for a little but not too bad. i dont get bored too easily. i was tired. but yeah then things got a little more interesting then i went home. and now im here typing this. im gonna play video games a little later. itll be fun. i must depart now. farewell ye
oh, im thinking aobut adding a 'www.' to the beginning of my blogger address. i dont know if i will. but if i do, i'll post the date it will become effective. give me your comments and 'vote' (simply say which you prefer. or if you dont care whatever)
goddamnit i hate getting those chain IMs. its some shit. i never even read any of them. if i see a long message and a 10 or greater number i delete it cos i know what it is. so if youre reading this, dont send me one. but aanyways. im tired. i had a big day. im eating. i was thinking the other day. that i dont really think about things that much anymore. i dont feel as smart or as educated as i want and/or used to be. i wish i was smarter and formulated more opinions that i had facts to back them up with. or just opinions period. i mean i have lots of them. but i dont know its hard to explain. i just dont feel as smart as i would like. 1190 on the psat isnt good enought damnit. i really should read more. but im usually too busy. and its hard for me to read when im tired. i either dont follow the story or my mind wanders off. i seem to only be able to read during the school year. but i supposed ranting about it in here wont help. then again i have nothing better to do at the moment so why not? i think this next show with time out of line will be my last. mostly because the guys are leaving to college in maine. one memeber will stay but hes got another band. and i dont seem him all that much now anyway. so i doubt i will later. practice last sunday was fun. good songs. but we fought on sunday as well. it sucked. i guess it is true what you said, no one cares about it anymore. at least not enough. well its going to be over soon. if we get more shows i guess i'll have to play. as long as shit goes right and members dont forget songs then it'll be all good. i dont want to feel embarrassed. i hate it. and shit always seems to be going wrong at our shows. someone's mic or amp doesnt work. or the drums are out of tune. or the crowd is a bunch of stupid hardcore scenesters who want to beat people up. and think oh this band is in high school they must suck even though 3/4 of the band is out of high school. hardcore sucks. its gotten distorted too much. i dont know. this band carries with it a sort of bad luck with it. somethings always creating drama. oh well. it was a hell of a lot of fun. i miss the early days. other than that ive been writing lots of music. most just me fucking around and cool shti coming out. and i got new guitar strings. theres nothing better than brand new fresh guitar strings. the clarity and tone and sustain. its magnificant. everything sounds soo spectacular with new strings. i play chess online a lot nowadays. its fun. i win aobut half the time. win two lose two. about that. im getting better. im glad. cos chess is something i relaly enjoy and id hate to suck at something i love to do. just like when i play guitar and i cant write anything good and i get depressed because i love playign guitar and it sucks to be unable to do the thing you do best. but now thats over and things are great yet again. saw reign of fire last night. its not a bad movie at all. i liked it quite a bit. i recommend seeing it if you like fire and dragons and tough matthew mcaughnaheay or whatever the fuck his name is. for now i must depart. farewell....

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

yesterday i saw the bourne identity. it was a fucking cool ass movie. i recommend it highly. a little more than two hours long but excellent. havent done much else since then. sat around. ate pretzels at erins. tomorrow i dont know what im gonna do. i need to get some stuff straight with this guy. might have band practice wiht thirty-7. not quite sure. im really tired. im gonna go to bed soon. dont know if ill have energy to drum tomorrow. im still a little sore from the fight in the park. thumb still hurts from getting stabbed by my cymbal. legs sore for some reason. i hope it stops cos drums are fun to play. though lots of energy is recquired so that i dont suck and slow down and fuck up a lot. i guess i'll see what happens. got an appointment tomorrow at 12. too early to get up if you ask me but oh well. kinda bored right now. no ones talking online. of course here i am typing away. but i dont talk much online. at least i dont initiate conversations much. so i think ill sit down here and write some more music on this piano. hope i can get some of these feelings out. torn feelings. broken lonely feelings. a good type of sad. not even sad really. hard to explain...i dont know. im out

Sunday, July 14, 2002

yup yup...went to bed at 6 last night..or maybe it was this morning...whichever. but i stayed up all night talking. never done that was superbly wonderful. theni slept until 3 and that measn i got a good 9 or so hours of sleep. not quite enough but enough to get me through the day, hopefully. ive been fucking around wiht html a lot lately editing my blogger trying new shit, fucking up old shit, fixing old shit. its been fun. tires out my head but its fun to have control over this stuff that at first seemed so rigid and unchangable. ah well. what am i going to do today?? anyone have any brilliant ideas? i have none and i never have any. on a completely different note, i need some new acoustic strings. mine are very dead. no tone or brightness wahtsoever. oh. yesterday i saw minority report and blackhawk down. both excellent movies. the people i saw them with didnt like them that much i think but i thought they were very good. blackhawk down was kinda gorey i guess...of course ive been seriously desensitized because of all the war movies ive seen and because of all i know about war in general. it was normal to me. probabaly not a good thing. but it didnt bother me at all. contrary to "popular" opinion i thought the ending to minority report was a good one. haha. it was unexpected and tame. but oh well. they were both long as hell. minority report was almost 3 hours and my ass was super fucking numb afterwords. blackhawk down was 2 and a half. so maybe ill make my way to college park sometime later. i havent decided. depends on what people are doing. i need to find out. especially the one who hasnt woken up yet. for now i'll play guitar...enjoy your day

Saturday, July 13, 2002

well i finally got the comment feature to yeah comment all you like...html is confusing

Thursday, July 11, 2002

yeah so i havent updated this thing in quite a nows a good a time as any. erin's been back for quite a while. ive been really busy lately...never home much anymore. my parents let me sleep over soemone's house. i was really happy especially because of whose house it was :) i got my learner's. getting tons better at stick. eating chips. chilling. things are wonderful. im happier than ever :)