Tuesday, January 28, 2003

to you....yes you know who....

Let me start this from the day we met.
You looked so beautiful, I never will forget.
Then you opened up your eyes, looked at me and kinda smiled.
I was scared, but still happy at the same time.

I sometimes think about how things could be
If you would've took a chance and moved out here with me.
We'd cruise along the 101 in the California sun
Sing Descendents songs and have ourselves lots of fun.
Stay out drinking really late stumble home from lower State.
Treat every day like it would be our first date.

"Alone In Santa Cruz"

Did I ever tell you that I really love you and I think about you all day? I really miss you and wish I could kiss you, but why are you so far away? Since you've been gone, I've thought over and over about you inside my head and where I went wrong. Every day, I've been thinking a lot about all of the things you'd say since I went away, .. I guess I could call you and ask you "How are you?" but I really don't have much to say... I sit all alone and I stare at the phone and I hope that you're doing ok.

little ataris lyrics binge for ya...ok im out.

Sunday, January 26, 2003

aaaaaaah.....tatu is sooo good....haha i heard them today at ida's for the first time and i haaad to download their stuff...man its really really good. their voices are great...i dont know its just great...haha today was a good day....was bored for a while so i walked to ida...i love walking...not quite peace and quiet...but i get to think and the ambient noise acts as a soundtrack to the music video thats always going through my head. it was a nice walk. then i got ida's. chilled and watched tv. much fun just chillin. theeen oh man. the wrestling....no one won this time. and i stand by that strongly :p i had her pinned once....maaaybe twice not so sure...but if i didnt win then she didnt win. as it stands, its a draw :) next time ill win decisively. mwahaha....haha. yeah i got lotion allll up in my ear and allll up in my shirt. haha whats up with that. oh man. then i tried to get up too fast and hit my eye/hear on a ladder. now i have a gash above my right eye. damn it hurt. but its fine now...so no worries :) hmm then more chillage and niceage...if thats a word. oh well. fun. clean. food now. time to do the tons of work due tomorrow. oh well. happy. good music. happy. :) night. out.

Saturday, January 25, 2003

stuck at home on a saturday night...bored out of my mind....spilling shit all over important things. damn. soo ill just lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling listening to music. hmm..things to do...maybe ill go for a walk or something, that might be nice. today was a good day.
oh man....coheed and cambria with hopesfalladn rocking horse winner at the ottobar on feb 25...$10...greatness

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

"Things I'll Never Say"

I'm tuggin' out my hair
I'm pulling at my clothes
I'm trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I'm staring at my feet
My checks are turning red
I'm searching for the words inside my head

(Cause) I'm feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you're worth it
You're worth it

If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezin' you too tight?

not toooo mushy riight?

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

hehe someone jsut came and danced for me in their pajamas and slippers...made my night :)
i dont know why im sad all of a sudden. i just seem to find everything wrong with me all at once....it sucks cos i hate myself and i just feel hopeless and overworked. sigh. oh well. im probably just tired. oh well. time to give up and stare off into space....im gonna shut up now...and not play guitar.

Monday, January 20, 2003

socks are inherently evil....think about it
success is mine.....i finally got my computer hooked up to my big stereo janx in my room...with stereo sound....before it was mono cos i had the wrong connectors...but now....glory is mine mwahaha....haha. its nice i can fill my whole room with great sounds :) anyway good times.
fuck that...i hate it when people are bitchy at me for no reason. all i did was ask a question.
well i havent reaally written in here in a while. sooo i think i will. this past week was so tiring and nerve-racking. i dont quite know why, but it just took a lot out of me. but now its all good. wednesday went to jeepers and watched saneyda and ida dance.. haha it was the best :) then friday made two attempts to see national security and both failed. ended up in driving around for a while. chilling. it was fun. then yesterday ida came over at like 2 and didnt leave until almost 12. it was great fun. just hanging out. being dorks and being silly. haha. i always the most fun with her. its crazy. cuddling up close and falling asleep, or almost falling asleep until a big mouse makes soem noise, is soo great. its all carefree and nothing could go wrong. :) ok time to do work. maybe. or sleep some more. out.
"your drive me craaaaazy!!" someone should get that...and noo its not a tribute to britney spears

Friday, January 17, 2003

"I'll Catch You"

can you sleep as the sound hits your ears one at a time?
an unspokenbalance here,
unabridged for so many years
that i sould stare atreceivers to receive her isn't fair
don't worry i'll catch you
don't ever worry
your arms in mine, anytime
i wouldn't trade anything
you're still my everything
to my surprise, before my eyes, you arrive
i'm still breaking old hapits when you pulled the wool over me
i can see everything, remembering "jinx removing"
no need for reminding... you're still all that matters to me

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be close to your special someone and feel warm, comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
You're just there for the music! You admire Avril. You don't care wether she's punk or not. You just think that her music is great.
!!! What are your true feelings towards Avril Lavigne? !!!

brought to you by Quizilla

haha yeah i spose. haha. man im a loser

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Paparazzo Jr: so are you officially touring with bionic man?
tre 4222: yeah
Paparazzo Jr: sweet, you still in school?
tre 4222: yeah\
Paparazzo Jr: cool, you're my hero
Paparazzo Jr: and you are so damn smart and talented
Paparazzo Jr: that sounds pretty quere but its what everyone thinkgs
Paparazzo Jr: its not like your an over ahciever you just seem to naturally be that way

that made my fucking day. well it made it even better. i went shopping today and got more fishies and a shirt...thaaat made my day cos i got to go with someone super great :) then this. man today is going really good. today has been my week. :) :) i feel so famous and rock starish. and people like me....haha i sound so dumb. fuck it. im so fucking happy :) yay.
What Type of Romantic Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

100% Romantic- You can rock anyone's world with gifts, love, food
a day in the life of a pop-punk drummer

today was excellent. started out doing science fair...that got frustrating so i stopped after a while. then i found out that my show was cancelled cos the electric maid was condemned but will be back up in a month. that sucked cos i love playing shows. oh well. i got some new clothes and hung out with ida for a whiles. most excellent. everything got better around 7:30 or so. good times. :) tired. time for sleep. or at least soon. good night.

Saturday, January 11, 2003


It was almost night time so we stayed inside, and closed our eyes. I whispered a thought that I had. We slept while holding hands couldn't sleep the cold. You said, "Just being near you for awhile is enough." I thought you have the most wonderful sense of feeling right, and the most wonderful sense of being here tonight.

saves the day

they have a lot of non-happy songs.....this one is good
"Third Engine"

The sky grows bigger every day
And the other week I hopped on a train
Cutting through state lines
To come to you as the crow flies
And out there in there offing everything was melon and orange
Did you know, my sweet
That I once took the liberty of watching you in your sleep?
I rolled over and over
Trying to touch your knees underneath the sheets
I just want you to know
that every pool of water reminds me of you
Is that all right?
I hope you think it's cool
'Cause sometimes a train can't go as fast as I want it to
Everything seemed a little easier
when we weren't one hundred miles apart
The person across from me
sitting in her train seat, reminded me of you
And I looked out past her cheeks
through the glass-light conduit
But the sun had sunk already
Disappeared into New Jersey
Oh, why don't they have phones on these things?

saves the day
time to update again. iuts been a while....all of 3 days...oh well haha. ive been...er busy? yeah i dont know jus too lazy. and whenevr i feel likr writing im too tired too. ohwell. today was a good day. started off alright i suppose. but theeeen oh man. well our announcements are broadcast on the tv in the school and on the PA, sooo tehy showed my music video on the announcements. maaan i felt soo great. everyone was all praising me and saying it was such a cool video. and it was going on all day. and my 4th period cheered for me when i came in. it was odd but sooo great. it just made my day. theeen i got a note from a certain sneaky someone and those are always the best. went home. fixed my bass. went to band practice. bionic man has a show tomorrow at the electric maid at like 7. we're playing like 1st or second or somethign but oh well. theeeen i went to ida's work and hung out with her for a while. then we watched signs. great movie and scary too. i like scary movies :) and it makes me so sad to see you sick. please dont be sick. i would be sick for you if i could. i really would. but in any case get well sooner then ever. im good. im tired. gotta do work tomorrow. out.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

loook who's back....L7 ;)

well i told myself that i wouldnt come home and get online....i need to clean and do homework...but i also love writing...so i guess ill ramble on in here about my day and the things i think about....probably not too interesting....but meh. today was not too bad of a day....shorter classes adn very chill. got a ride home from ida (thanks bunches:) ). i gots band practice with bionic man sometime tonight. thatll be cool. we got some new songs to work out and i got some more vocals to learn. they want me to maybe sing lead on some songs. that would so so awesome except for the fact that im incredibly self concious and i dont sing well enough. oh well ill try though. itll rock either way. its so much fun just rockin out with them. best thing music-wise since time out of line....granted there havent been many of those anyway....but its jsut so awesome. i mean a band that i say liek 4 years ago, a band that i have shirts, stickers and patches of wants me to play bass for them, even though im 12 years younger than them. its so cool. and im going to fuckign chicago to play a show with them at the end of january. my dream is coming closer and closer to reality and its feeling great. everythings going so well these days. its amazing. bionic man had a show on saturday. people who came to the show complemented me a good deal and that made me feel so happy. people said i was an awesome bass player, solid, rockin. they really liked our set. and talking to the guys form the other bands, even if some were drunk haha, was cool. i felt like a rock star :) i felt famous. she was proud of me:) and man. a good time to say the least. good times. and . well the only things bad is school. its so much work and i seem to be getting lazier and lazier. i dont want to be so lazy. i really need to do work. i love to learn. and it sucks when i know more about what we're talking about in history than the teacher. the only thing that challenges me is ap chem. yeah i say i fuckign hate it but deep down i love it haha. trig is a bit of work. and english is writing and i love to write compositions and essays. yeah yeah yeah im a dork haha i know. whatever. school is meh. but life otherwise rocks more than ever. im out. gotta clean.

Monday, January 06, 2003

happy......tired...too tired to write....sleep. out. :) happy.
goood night....hope ya had fun tonight :)

Sunday, January 05, 2003

Bert & Ernie's Gay Love Affair Look, everyone knows you two are lovebirds. Why not do the brave thing and admit it to the world? The times are kinder nowadays. There may be the odd ultraconservative bigwig or overprotective mom, but so what? Piss on 'em. Come on out of the closet. It's ok.

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

haha looks like you were right...;).....except not really :p
She fixes her lips, they
Always look perfect
Never a smudged line
Never too much
I try on my blue shirt
She told me she liked it once
She wonders what I'll wear
She knows knows just what she'll wear
She always wears blue
So, sneakers or flip flops?
I'm starting to panic
(Wait, wait)
Remember, she asked you
Remember to breathe
And everything will be okay
singing along to queen

today was excellent. chilled for a while. ate popcorn chicken...it was good just not nearly as much of it as i would have expected. but good. theeeen. i played a show at eric's house up in college city. bionic man is soo much fun to play with. its just great and a "who gives a fuck we're good lets rock the fuck out" thing. much greatness. and ida came and that is always wonderful. then we left and we drove around dc and talked about all kinds of things. and made a cab driver look very intently and smile big....hehe and fun. :) so much fun on a car ride....whod have thought. rockin out to the queen. good times:) :) tomorrow....clothes

Saturday, January 04, 2003

BurnInEffigy: so i guess those kids were pissed we took their chicks...so they found drew's guitar..and they were trying to fuck with it...so you got out of your bed and were all like " mother fucker....ill school your ass if you touch that gibson sg"

steve's dream....very excellent

Friday, January 03, 2003

I am 70% Emo

Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.

Take the Emo Test at fuali.com

Thursday, January 02, 2003

ugh...school today. it sucked. i was soo tired. it all went by so slow...but now it feels like it was fast. i dont know. oh well. i got to see ida today. more than jsut between 1st and second and after school so that was great as oosooal(sp?). embracing in the rain :) band practice was good. got a rackmount tuner. good shit. fun times. chill. i love my "job." it is lots of work though. so busy. but its rewarding and so much greatness :) i dont know. im really excited about playing in chicago. and things are excellently good. out. :)

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

hooray for ecstatic happiness....its great that its back. i had such a great time yesterday, even though it consisited of beign inside all day it was with her. it was the best i ive felt in a long time. just chill. like 9 hours...10 hours....all wonderful filled. except for my little power outage/shorting out of my christmas lights. buuut ya know. it was superb. happy. greatness. :)

Jan 4th and 5th....dont know exactly where yet...but im guessing at the electric maid...more to come.
go here....funny..................................................................

Which SLC Punk Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

haha riiight. doubt that.