Monday, March 31, 2003

you're emo!

How can I label you?
brought to you by Quizilla
sleepless nights with hundreds of contradictory dreams. every possible scenario. off to school. what a wonderful day this looks like

Sunday, March 30, 2003

i dont know what to scared. i wish i knew too. im so scared right now. helpless
what's the difference between a prostitute and guitar player?
a prostitute has a better sense of rhythm.

what's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a drummer?
you have to plug one in before it sucks
shadows of raindrops shone on the creased synthetic leather as i stared at the gnarled trees through the closed sunroof, pondering my existence like the huge weirdo dork i am.

Saturday, March 29, 2003

I scored a 77% on the "How PG County are you?" Quizie! What about you?

Friday, March 28, 2003

…and did i mention that there are still those days
where i can hardly lift my head up from the pillow
or looking out the window of the plane
rooting for disaster
sometimes i just run out of reasons
but the clock keeps ticking and the minutes keep coming
and all i can do is rise to slaughter the hours
let the air out of these days

killing time staring into corners or at strands of her hair
waiting for the call that tells me where to next
wishing i could trade these stupid words
for hollow point shells
before every move that I make equals check-mate
did i just say her?
this song is not for her
no matter what i’ve said or longed for
or that her name still moves along these walls
lives in this pen
(i’ve made promises)
this song is for Buk, for ‘Trane, for Wes, and for Marty
who keep their barrels oiled and ready
the few that I would trade ten days to spend one hour with
rare like a ruby at the bottom of the sea
beautiful like the sparrow in the kittens jaw

oh man gotta love the BANE. the lyrics are so good. and the music is 5 times better. they are my idols. this

Thursday, March 27, 2003

i give up..i cant make the link to my comments on in a table...oh well... i guess ill see tomorrow. maybe then i can fix it. as for now im tired. and in love. and sleepy. and good night all.

You're Poland!

People tend to think you're stupid and you were probably voted
Least Likely to Succeed by your high school class.  These people are mostly
stupid themselves, and are just judging their opinion of you on your ability
to defend yourself, which is admittedly pretty poor.  But there's lots
more to life than defending yourself from being picked on and pulled apart!
 There's labor unions to join and holiness to produce!  You'll survive

the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid

is a
Rhubarb-Eating Stealth Monkey

...with a Battle Rating of 5.3

To see if your Food-Eating Battle Monkey can
defeat trevor, enter your name:

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

i love her so much. gaah. all smiles. today was fun. well it started out sucky cos i was reeeal tired. then school was bleh. but after 1st pd and before 2nd was awesome :) lunch rocked too :) then 3 hooours. aiiie. haha. then after school nap time. good sleeping though i stole the covers (sorry babe). it made me happy. ida makes me so happy. no words. greatness. :) too tired and happy to write much. except about how soft her kisses her, how meaningful the embraces are, how lovely it is to gaze into her eyes. she is so great so wonderful. spectacular. i love her so much. im out. night.
You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, March 23, 2003

man today just rocked. im sooo happy. haha i read ida's blogger, i mean blurty ;) and then i get lazy and dont feel like talkign about my day cos i just read it. haha. im sooo lazy. sooooo if you want to see what i did today, read ida's janx. on another note. i love that girl so much. its the most wonderful feeling in the world to be snuggled up to the person you love, half sleeping, whispering things into their ears. then being pressed against them and their skin burning against yours. its amazing. i always have so much fun with her. im glad i finally got all this out. i just needed the right time. "things to say, not here. timing timing timing." ok well im exhaaaaausted. out. night
oh man such a good song. doesnt reflect my mood one bit. cos im sooo happy right now. :)


Seventy Times Seven

Back in school they never taught us
what we needed to know
Like how to deal with despair
or someone breakin your heart
For twelve years I've held it all together
but a night like this is beggin to pull me apart
I played it quiet left you deep in conversation
I felt uncool and hung out around the kitchen
I remember I kept thinking
that I know you never would
And now I know I want to kill you
like only a best friend could

Everyone's caught on to everything you do
Everyone's caught on to...

As if it happening wasn't enough
I got to go and write a song
just to remind myself how bad it sucked
Ignore the sun, covers over my head
Wrote a message on my pillow that says
"Jesse, stay asleep in bed"
Don't apologize (I hope you choke and die!)
Search your cell for something which to hang yourself
They say you need to pray
if you want to go to heaven
But they don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to Hell!

Everyone's caught on to everything you do
Everyone's caught on to...
Everyone's caught on to
(and I can't let you let me down again)
everything you do
Everyone's caught on to...
(and I can't let you let me down again)

So is that what you call a getaway?
Tell me what you got away with
Cause I've seen more spine in jellyfish
I've seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids
Have another drink and drive yourself home
I hope there's ice on all the roads
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt
and again when your head goes through the windshield

Is that what you call tact?
You're as subtle as a brick in the small of my back
So let's end this call and end this conversation
And is that what you call a getaway?
Tell me what you got away with
Cause you left the frays from the ties you severed
when you say "best friends" means friends forever

Is that what you call a getaway?!!
Tell me what you got away with!!
Cause I've seen more spine in jellyfish!!
I've seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids!!
Have another drink and drive yourself home!!
I hope there's ice on all the roads!!
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt
then when your head goes through the windshield!!

(I can't let you let me down again)
Everyone's caught on to everything you do
(and I can't let you let me down again)
Everyone's caught on to...
(I can't let you let me down again)
Everyone's caught on to everything you do
(and I can't let you let me down again)
Everyone's caught on to...

Thursday, March 20, 2003

9 - 12 15 21 5 - 25 15 20 think alphabet ;)

today rocked so hard. minus being soo scared and worried. but its all good. i fiiinally said it. i had been subtly and vaguely hinting at it for so long. and i fiiiinally got up the nerve. it felt so good to tell her. and to here it back? oh man im so happy right now its unexplainable. she cried. out of happy. ive never personally seen anyone do that or caused it. i just melted. aaaaaie so excited and weeee. haha. FUTON!! hehe fun. its been soo long since ive wanted to say it. so many oppurtunities. best night ever. no competition.

9 - 12 15 21 5 - 25 15 20

letters to you

Monday, March 17, 2003

dude today was sooo much fun. ida is spectacular. everything she does makes me smile. well today we went to dinner. i ate a lot which is weird cos i usually dont eat a lot at one time. good food though. thhen we went "shopping." i did buy some things. boxers and wife beaters. then yeah bonnie and clyde all the way baby! $100 ;) we were gonna go see a movie but decided to dye our hair. there will be a lot of surprised peoples tomorrow. ida's looks quite nice. mine however isnt turning out the best. i got a second "coat" on now, so hopefully itll work. itd better. or i'll wear a hat all day. maybe with gel it will look wet and darker. hm. oh well. tomorrow will be fun too. tomorrow is coffee house auditions at roosevelt. thirty-7 is gonna play bulls on parade. maybe we'll get in this year if the drums are "turned down." then hot tubbing and working out in my newly acquired gym-ish shorts. then sleep. and now sleep. after i was this dye out. im exhausted. fun times today. night. out.

[Music: Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends]

Sunday, March 16, 2003


weeeell time to not do work that i should be doing. got a lab report due tomorrow and im about 3/4 of the way done. im close. ill finish tonight. hopefully. we shall see. ive been busy lately hanging out with ida is so much fun. every day with her is something special. and she never ceases to amaze me. always being so wonderful. friday was great. and got lots better at 10. we went back to ida's and watched movies in soft clothes and cuddled on the couch, exhausted. night of the living dead, not another teen movie, jeepers creepers, and i think some random things here and there. bliss. it really is. holding her in my arms makes me feel needed, so warm and tingly. soo i left at about 4am, another late night. then saturday went to noodles for lunch. their lo mein is soo good. their buttered noodles and parmesan are good too. i almost won at, shit, the name escapes me, penny table hockey. yeah im dumb haha. then we went thrift store shopping. i got a cordless phone that doenst work cos i need a 9v adapter with a (-)--(o)--(+) connector for it. it was only 3 bucks too. good deal. i really want a cordless phone. and $5 aint too bad. theeeen we went camping. it was fun despite the cold and scared part of it haha. big fires, climbing trees, setting up tents in the dark. sleeping bags. then today i wore shorts!!! sooo nice outside today. and ida bought me ankle socks that ive been needing. thanks so much. i need them to wear shorts cos hell no im not gonna wear tube socks with shorts, im not that much of a fashion faux paux. haha. well maybe i am but ooh well. then FUTON!!! hehe. then rest and dinner and "blazing saddles." it was an alrioght movie. some pretty funny parts. now back to work. good night all. out.

[Music: Isis-Oceanic]

Friday, March 14, 2003

yesterday was much fun. today was tiring. school is almost over. in 4th, good ol computer science. finished my web page cheesy thing we have to do. Its alright. not too much customization yet. jsut cos im lazy. i bet the first thing i'll do when i get home is ill edit it and be online until like 9:30 tonight. where ill be leaving, and not coming back for a whiles. ;) right now i really have to pee. im sure everyone needed to know that buuut ya know. deal. boored. need to edit. but im lazy. la dee da. i gotta figure out now to make pictures for backgrounds myself. we shall see what happens with my random attempts at that. hopefully ill make it work somehow. aand im rambling. i think ill be off and screw around with settings. out.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

yeah....not sleeping tonight
im at a loss of what to do. theres nothing i can do. ill get a job. help that way if i can...
ive never been more pissed off at someone who hasnt done anything to me, but to someone i care more than anything about, to someone i'd do anything for. i dont know how that works but im sad and fucking pissed. die motherfucker. the world doesnt need assfucks like you. shit. i need to sleep. get rid of all this....feel better. out.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

aaaaaaah!!!! i havent been so happy in such a very long time, many moons. she's more than i could ever possibly imagine. superbly wonderful. today was soo much fun. went to the dentists with ida, then played in the park a bunch..."hah " theeen we went swimming until 8. hot tubs are so much fun. especially with an ida in a bikini (that she's sooo cute in). i just get flustered so much. today was a very good day. snail mail is the coolest. hehe. i keep reading it "over, and over, and over, again" and it makes me soooo happy. unbelievably happy. she's so special. there are so many thoughts flyign through my head. all concering that crazy girl. all wonderful thoughts. jeez. im so excited and hyper and bouncy and happy. i cant wait until 10:13 tomorrow night. well im out.

{Music: Good Charolette - the young and the hopeless} making that cd ;)

Sunday, March 09, 2003

is what ida makes me
woo! yeah yeah im a dork i know

does anyone out there want to start a pop-punk band? i really want to. but i can't seem to find any musicians. if anyone knows anyone or anythign like that.

{Music: Home Grown - Kiss Me, Diss Me} using capitals?? whats goin on?? fuck the shift key
today was fun. went to the blair witch house. it was scary outside. inside it was still creepy just not as scary. it was cool though. ida is the best . so much fun hanging out with her. so great. today i got the links to a whole bunch of smilie icons so i can put them in my blogger. only problem is i have to cut and paste the code/link everytime i want a picture. its better than what i had before. so it works. im tired. time for a shower. out. time to sweat livejjournals..

{Music: Fairweather - Alaska}

go go go!!! oh. you need a place to go dont you. go here. make sure you gots time. out.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

things to say, not here, timing timing timing

oh man she is so wonderful. i waited all day for these magic four hours. im speechless i really am. its just soo great. this is by far one of the best things to happen to me. i am so the luckiest guy out there. especially when everyone out there likes her, but she likes me. laying on the couch, cuddling, and her beautiful eyes. they just make me feel so warm and comfortable. its such a great feeling. i never want to leave her arms. just laying there is bliss. im so overwhelmed by all this happiness. :) smiles and smiles. she's so special. i am out of words for the night. tonight was lots of fun. of course every night is fun with her. i think i fell asleep next to/on her. that always makes me feel good. just to wake up and be in her arms. and aaaaaah. im happy. what else can i say. i need to get up in four hours. good night. out.

Friday, March 07, 2003

Sat 8 chrome
6945 reed st.
bethesda , MD the goons
bionic man plus one more tba
3:00 pm
remember this is a matinee show. the venue is a couple blocks away from the bethesda metro stop. go here for directions from hyattsville.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

..............................................................dots...............................time to write. cant. happy. thoughts racing through my mind. time? right? whispers..."captivating beauty" excited. best times. most real. off to finish blogging. maybe ill read some chem work. oh well. to recap my day........went to school, eh, alright. after school is where the fun began. went shopping with ida to get her sweatpants that she looks soo great in. i dont know but that pony tail and those sweatpants man they just drive me crazy happy. theeen we went to rent some movies....we were gonna get fight club and the ring...buuut yeah hollywood is dumb and didnt have any of the ring left. adn fight club was fucking rated R so apparently i cant rent it unless im 18 or some shit. i was pissed. i rented a lot from there but nooooo ass holes gotta go and fix things that arent broken. "if it aint broken, fix it til it is." hmpf. soo ida bought the blair witch for like $2.09...dont know why it was so cheap but whatever good deal. so we watched that. fun times watching it. im gonna win...some day. i hope. haha. then she left. it seemed like the day went by so fast. it was all filled with great. even though it was only like 3 and a half hours. it seemed so much shorter. buuut yeah. so i hope tomorrow i will get to see her after work. and i might practice tomorrow with bionic man. so we shall see. for now. well yeah for now i am out. bionic man show got moved from saturday night in DC to sat afternoon(3:00) in bethesda. so yeah. do what you will with that info. out.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

hooray for cracks...illegal? pssh

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

well today i fiiiiinally finished my new blogger set up. well not totally finished. but it functions and everything is respectively in it's right place and appears correctly. took me forever. im tired. i got beat at wrestling agaain. one of these days ill win. juuust you wait and see ;) not much to write. im really really tired. today was chill. practiced with bionic man for a bit. came home, showered, chilled, adn worked on blogger. nooow time to chill adn sleep soon. im out.
"I Remember You"

Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
The wind would whisper and I'd think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through

I paint a picture of the days gone by
When love went blind and you would make me see
I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes
So that I knew you were there for me
Time after time you were there for me

Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand - I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say - I remember you

We spend the summer with the top rolled down
Wished ever after would be like this
You said I love you babe, without a sound
I said I'd give my life for just one kiss
I'd live for your smile and die for your kiss

Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand - I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say - I remember you

We've had our share of hard times
But that's the price we paid
And through it all we kept the promise that we made
I swear you'll never be lonely

Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
Washed away a dream of you
But nothing else could ever take you away
'Cause you'll always be my dream come true
Oh my darling, I love you

Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand - I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I'd wanna hear you say - I remember you (ataris cover of a skid row song)

Saturday, March 01, 2003

You're nothing, really. But you're nice.
I am not a type of music
You're nothing, really. But you're nice.

What type of music are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

"Do You Know What I Love The Most?"

Do you know what I love the most?
Even suburbs would be o.k.
With you between my sheets
And the breeze in the window
'Cause we will go there and ignore all our neighbors
I think I'll bring you breakfast and play Johnny Cash on the stereo
I'll sit in the lazy chair all day remembering the things you do
So when you come home
I'll jump up to kiss you and it will knock you back
You'll fall over our TV set
I'll pick you up and dust you off
Oh, Baby let's give it a go
I'll kiss your thighs to make you feel all right
And then I'll get closer to taste a little sweat
Oh I think I'm rearing to go
You're gonna get knocked out and tied up in my trunk
In ten years we'll go to Ohio and steal Cadillac's for a living.
listenin to andrew and nick on the radio in maine
hmmm :/

Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

today turned out a good day. tomorrow will hopefully be fun too :) 3 i guess it is now. feels longer. cant really figure out why. still wonderful. i had a nice semi-nap/meditation/think time i had today. it was weird. got some things figured out i needed to. good good. now im eatin some dinner (cake and pizza ;) ). time for bed.