Monday, April 28, 2003

goddamnit..fuck this. i wish it would all just go away. its been too long and it wont leave me. goddamn being a teenager. now theres more of it. fuck.

Sunday, April 27, 2003

haha i just saw this and thought it to be quite funny
well this weekend was good, halfly. first half was sick, the rest was ida and happy and chill. so yeah im pretty sure i had a sinus infection. i could hardly move my eyes without them hurting like crazy. i was weak and tired and had a fever for a few days. i had to miss the NHS thing i was supposed to go to, fuck it, mrs. steiner is a bitch i dont care. so i didnt go cos i couldnt get out of bed. i was fellin shitty. but now i am mostly better. a little tired but good. i changed my sheets, cleaned, and chilled with ida todayand watched the mask and the end of moulin rouge. chilled with robert earlier, cleaned and fixed his bass. then me ida. such a wonderful person to be around. she just makes everything bad all better. makes me feel so special. :) oh and yesterday i saw identity with ida, jackie, and andrew, good movie, slasher/figure it out/suspense. good movie. i would have rather seen phone booth but thats what friday's are for...more movies!! weeeell i must be off. i am sleepy and need to do some things. out.

Music: Van Halen - Top of The World

Friday, April 25, 2003

I am really really smelly

Thursday, April 24, 2003

damnit....i feel so shitty...i felt better for a while there, then i guess the advil wore off or something cos all the shittyness came back. damn neck still hurts. well lets see, today was nice, minus the sick part, saw me ida, went to band practice, chilled. now i feel kinda grumpy and tired. too exhausted to think. time for sleep. all early tonight i know. sigh. i love you, ida. good night everyone. out.
"For You To Notice..."

I'm starting to fashion an idea in my head
where I would impress you
with every single word I said.
Would come out insightful or brave or smooth or charming
and you'd want to call me
And I would be there every time
you'd need me
I'd be there every time...
But for now I'll look so longingly
For you to want me, for you need me, for you to notice me

today rocked :)

Sunday, April 20, 2003

ok im fiiiinally gonna write in here. lets see since i last posted i spent 4 days and 3 nights in ocean city with my lovely ida :) jeez it was so much fun. most fun ive had i think ever. best spring break by faar. that girl. "gaaah" she makes me so happy. so comfortable. so wonderful. ive never been happier. yeah yeah people say that all the time. but this is the happiest ive been. no worries ever. i love her so much. go gettin 6 crabs, 20 shrimp, and 6 steamed clams (no clams when we went so we got fries) all for $20. soooo good. i hadnt eaten crabs in forever. then to nap with her in my arms was the perfect night. then acquiring things and eating some mroe and watchin "whose line" and sleep. stealin covers, snoring, cold, warmth. i love sleeping with her. wakign up next to her, going to sleep next to her. waking up whenever we feel like it. going to bed when we like. oh man. the room. right on the fuckin beach. sooo nice. we could see the moon rise over the ocean...adn there was nothing between us except about 100ft and some sand dunes. the first two days (tuesday and wednesday) were sunny and warm so we tanned....mostly i just reflected light to blind people cos im so pale. got maybe a liiiiiiiiiiittle tan. a little burned. then hot tubbing.....makr-your-own-in-the-tub hot tub. the pool there had way too much chlorine in it. heated though. theeeen one day ida took a nap and woke up to me having blonde hair. gah so much fun. i loved it. i love ida. time for me to do some ap chem homework. out.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

"yeah umm happy being born day and stuff"

finally 17. bears and all. ;) haha they were outside my door when i woek up. i dont know hoooow they got there. soo great. Trisha and Champ. :) good times. jsut woke up. gotta eat. hungry. out.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

National Aquarium in Baltimore - About Us damn. so expensive. although i want to go sooo bad. lets see. i have $90 now. tomorrow ill have $95 or so
so $75 if we go to the aquarium...+ $60 from my parents...+ any birthday bling. sooo total $135 + $20 ± $5-15....hmmm thatd better be enough. if not, well bonnie clyde or bunny and bear. whichever. out to clean more. band practice. and then ida. out.
quiz in 4th(now) chilling. got my phone back from that fuckin bitch sub who took it yesterday. its all good i got it back. now, i sit. im tired. i gotta clean some today. real quick before band practice and dinner. ill be real tired tonight. but not was tired as ida. having a job and all. i really shooould get one of those but i really doubt i will. just because ive been saying that for a long time. oh well. sleep. bathroom. editing blogger. time to do "work." out.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

yeeeeeah today rocked. stone ;) cept not really. but ya know. fuck work. ill do it tomorrow morning. for now i play guitar. night. wonderful wonderful night.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

just finished it....surprise surprise ;) UCONN won the womens championship. go them. im tired as shit. going to bed. today was good. very tiring though. need to rest. time to go to bed 11 early now?? well i suppose it is for me. i need to do chem work. im falling behind again. even the slightest lack of drive will out me back. i need to do good. i need to rest. too much. oh man ocean city is going to rock sooo hard. first romantic getaway. walks on the beaches. watching the sunrise over the ocean. sleeping next to her, waking up next to her. so wonderful. now im off to bed to dream about it. i need to save. ok im out. night.
yup yup time to fool around wiht my blogger for an hour and a half in computer science. yeah i need to get it so its "legible" haha even though its typed. some people cant read it very well. im not quite sure why cos i can see it just fine. but i know what i write so i dont necessarly need to read it now do i? so now im goonna make it a little less "noisy" so its not as confusing, or something. maybe a better backround picture....or semi faded parts on the backgrounds might work. any ideas?

Sunday, April 06, 2003

these days have been great. chillin about. ill be 17 in 6 days. i cant wait. i need to get out of this 16 yr old stereotype everyone seems to have. ah well. itll be great. rated r movies here i come!!! as if i couldnt ever get in any other time ;) saw bringin down the house the other day. haha great movie. "the cool points are out the window, and im all caught up in the game." no idea waht that means haha. steve martin is soo great. yeah soo going to ocean city. i cant wait. i really cant. so excited. haha yeah i know its ocean city. but the circumstances are what's making it so wonderful. hmm i have a lot of ap chem work to do. i should be doing it buut ya know ill be eating and chillin. probably gonna do some things later on. eat some more. go out. chill. for now im off to have breakfast and do some work. out.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

i dont knwo why but i just got an incredible feeling of happiness, peace, and bliss...all in one. its amazing. good music. good weather. my life feels close to perfect. its soooo good. i dont know jsut thought id share that :)

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

man i havent posted in a long time. well, long enough. ive been busy wiht, well things. time to catch up. things have been soo wonderufl these days. a little bumpy that one day, but now all good. i love ida so much. its crazy awesome. :) ive been chillin with her like every day almost. best days ever. ive been working out too. good times. gettin buff and chillin in the hot tubs. bionic man will most likely tour for a mont over the summer to california and back. good times. im really tired. but i have lots of work. not due til monday. but i wont do it til sunday either way. oh well. im out to shower and find some food.