Thursday, July 31, 2003

one liners from hell by the movielife

late night snowfall
get us to the hospital
jamestown 94 west
and a 40 hour train back to penn

i know its not fair what i've gotta do here
but i can see you the way i wanted to
i stand with the gun in my hand
so i can be you

and you did it so well
said you tasted the sin
if i walked a mile in your shoes
id have a gun in my hand

i understand that you couldnt take it
couldnt take it anymore
i understand that you had your problems
maybe more than i saw
but when you got on a plane that day
you lost all your priveleges with me
cuz i heard so many things, thought we parted
thought we parted peacefully

then you got home, opened your mouth
and said all those stupid things
you even mouthed off to my friends, thats why im saying

c'mon c'mon shut up shut up
i hope this song will shut you up
c'mon c'mon shut up shut up

[Music: Takin' It Out and Choppin' It Up - The Movielife]

an open conversation passes 20 minutes in silence. no words and bitterness. hiding. just sleep.

[Music: This Is Not an Exit - Saves the Day]
HA! im not so easily deterred. im not so blind either. good fucking night moon. its been a whille. im sorry. look at me.

[Music: Nightingale - Saves the Day]
sigh....stupid college issues...why cant everything just be easy?? huh? it would make life so much more simpler, adn well easier...less stressful for sure. ive just felt kinda incomplete. unfulfilled. something is missing and i dont know what. its rather annoying and depressing. just kinda wandering around not knowing what i want or need. sigh. so yeah ive been busy as usual. warped tour was fun. didnt get to see the used. meh, we were all tired. got a bunch of cds and a coheed shirt. got the guys from thrice to sign my cd. i miss my old friends. im gonna go back to church sunday. or i'll try. YRUU was fun. sunday at 10:30? so early but ill do it. i need to start doign the things i do. program, music, computer games. call people and be bored and talk. i gotta find whats not here. gotta figure out what it is i need to look for first. im at a loss...all confused. but for now ill just ignore it. its all i can do. all i really have any time to do anymore. i cant really do the things i like anymore. no time. i cant wait for my paycheck on monday....gettin me a new guitar...well maybe....maybe after the next two...i shall see. for now i record. out.

[Music: Cold Cash and Colder Hearts - Thrice]

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

im gonna party like theres no yesterday tired. i got worked all day today really hard. went to the field 3...okay two times, but helping three different groups with their research and projects. helped thias with her methane gas chamber installation, went with katie and katie to do the project im working with....dig up 20 skunk cabbage plants roots and all....understand though that these plants are rather 1/3 the size of me...deep strong roots. so we were diggin areound in the mud for a few hours. so after im dirty as fuck, tired as a dog, smelly, we go inside for lunch. i adequately satisfied my intense yearning for my regularly scheduled noon-time consumption of nourishment. ( i ate lunch with ida) that was good. i get to see her still even thought i work all the time. im glad. lets see. oh yea. then i go back inside and jonathon asks me to go back out to the field to help him collect some samples from the stream flow analyzers. that actually wasnt as bad as i would have thought. came back and went right to washing lots of stuff. i had a huge head ache the whole time. no i am exhausted. still gotta do some laundry. i got my new 120 gb hard drive today so im configuring that at the moment. i fixed ida's computer finally....after 3 days. stupid compaq being shitty. oh well its all good and better. its been like 2 weeks or something since i updated last. soo busy working. although im pullin at least$600 per pay check so its nice. just tired. warped tour is gonna rock. getting tickets tomorrow. sigh. as for now im sick. ida will come over and take care of me cos "im a helpless little boy" :p haha...i can do it myself thankyou very mucho. hm well now i muist be off to lay down.

...stay tuned, we'll be right back after these messages

(insert whatever commercial you wish)

[Music: You Know How I Do - Taking Back Sunday]

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

maaan its been forever since i updated. ive been soo back from tour to atlanta and raleigh with bionic man, that was so awesome. then a 10 hour drive back from atlanta sunday night for work monday morning. haha so fucked. it was fun as shit nonetheless. had few beers with the guys. chilled. rocked out. so yeah im working so much and have no time. too much to do and no time to do it. same shit different day. but i get good ass money. $8.22/hr times 80 hrs per pay period. 660 or so. somewhere there. math in my head is hard this late at night...haha its only 10:45. so yeah. i see my ida whenever i can. i love just chilling. and food and going to movies. got starcraft. upgrading my computer. im always fucking with it. playign guitar all the time. jsut rockin out. i come to conclusions and cool stuff i could say in here but i forget. oh well. life is pretty darn good. just tired. need more sleep. well i hope all is good for everyone else. out.

[Music: meeting again for the first time - Poison The Well]
Threat rating: extremely low. You may think you can
subvert the government, but if you should try
you will be smited mightily because God likes
us best.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

wooooo! got to see my ida :) happy happy. hope i made your day better. oh. damnit. you have no internet, so you cant read this anymore :( scheise. well everyone else gets to :) so yeah. happy birthday to robert big man at 20. sorry i was working when you guys were going out. hope you had fun today. for now i am off. must sleep for work tomorrow. out.

[Music: Eleanor Rigby - Thrice]

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

this sucks...i get off work and she leaves for work at the same time :( and im leaving in three days....i dont see her least im not gone the entire month. that wouldve been horrible..jeez i dont what i wouldve done. well i eat ribs with you tonight :) we chill baby. hehe. out.

[Music: Punk Covers - Build Me Up Buttercup - Punk Covers]

Sunday, July 06, 2003

hm, well ok. i dont know. so many thoughts. too many people to know. cant know em all i spose. well i know i cant.

Friday, July 04, 2003

so yeah its real kinda tired...not too big of a day. the usual work, minus going out to the field and getting all muddyand sweaty and tired. came home, played on my copmuter like the huge dork i am :) now im fixing my computer and optimizing it and what not....i like view goin on...and "pictures" of my old house...form the air....go to the link...i dont know, i get all nostalgic. come to think of it i get that way a lot these days. i made the page taht has the pics on it in like 5 minutes. it was great. i still know html even though i havent used it in forever....its all good. i gotta work on my program sometime...ive been neglecting it. i want to finish it. so what if the class is done. so yeah tour... should be fun. i gotta do some bass maitenance though. new strings and rewiring inside. shuoldnt be too hard. ah the used. those songs on the radio dont compare to the rest of the cd at all. so gettin a second hard drive cos im running out of space. i filled 60 gigs...dont know how but i did...haha. oh well. its all good stuff. useful...
la de da...doo doo im bored....i like making my computer all fresh and optimized and clean and fast. its so nice to have everything work exactly the way its supposed to, even if its only for a day or two. ok time to restart...possibly sleep. out.

[Music: Blue and Yellow - The Used]

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

man im so tired im drunk...well im just mixing up all my words and losing the ability to speak.. i eat cake and pudding...

A Friend Too Far - better to never have loved at all

well i ask you this one last time
when is it time to go home again?
is it time for me to be alone again?
yeah well you never wrote anything down

how easy it is to forget who you are
when you dont take a snapshot...yeah,wait
ill take a slapshot at your heart
maybe one in a million ill hit my target
and maybe one in a million you'll love me again

ill be there right beside myself
trying to hold you all inside
im on top of an upside down world
buried my head in the sand
well yeah its warmer down here

ive lost it all
its better to have never loved it all
its better to scream at lonely mirrors
its better to have never loved at all
im better off forgetting everything you mean to me
ill rip down the walls you knew i couldnt climb

is it game over? ive lost all my lives
im all out of change...time to change
....always say never, never say always
and the world would be a safer place

ok so this thing might actually start to work on a regular basis. go w.bloggar. its pretty cool when it behaves. although computers always have a habit of never doing what you want them to when you want them to...well yeah work was good is 7 months. quite a long time :) well i realized today, and i mean actually realized how much of an ass i was when i did drugs. i was always angry and in shitty moods, probably because of the drugs. well it also could have been that i was an adolescen boy whos always mad. or yeah. i was an ass. yeah its amazing how much ive changed over these years. high school actually doesnt suck. i like it. haha yeah i know im a dork. but its fun...mostly the social aspect of it and its fun to learn. oh well. hmm well i should be off to do something or other. oh yeah band practice. and NC, SC, and Atlanta on the 11th 12th adn 13th of july....its gonna rock so hard. some people are real bitchy. try to be nice and they just blow you off....see what drugs do to people? well not all people but a few i can think of...i need to get my lisence. jsut need hours. but im too busy now with fucking job. i can never win. i mean hey im content with the fact that i can i have the ability to...just i cant do it legally yet. it sucks. well yeah im out.

[Listening to: A Box Full of Sharp Objects - The Used - The Used (02:56)]