Monday, March 14, 2005

is it weird that st. jude is that patron saint of lost causes, and the hospital for children's cancer is st. jude's? that kinda sucks for those kids...just like yeeah you have no hope...

Friday, March 11, 2005 i went "clubbin" tonight. as in to dream. my first club experience and with really awesome people. a really awesome girl especially. im exhausted. but its that good kind. the one where nothing else matters adn you're just happy. a kiss good night lifts the heart. ah. tonight was great. im really glad i went. fuck the homework i didnt do haha. im gonna sleep sooo well tonihgt. like 3 hours of dancing. haha and oh man im so white...but im gettin the hang of it. time to plan that dinner...sleep.out.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Trevor and I can not come because I am impotent.
Thanks for your time and concern.

Trevor Olexy