Sunday, February 08, 2004

Ezekial 25:17
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepers the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

-What the fucks happening?!!? awww shit
-aww man, I shot marvin in the face...
-why the fuck you do that?!?
-well I aint mean to it was an accident!
-aww man I seen some crazy ass shit in my time but this...
-chill out man I told you it was an accident! you prolly went over a bump or somethin..
-the car aint hit no motherfuckin bump!

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