Sunday, September 05, 2004

so yeah i havent updated in a rather long i guess now is a good a time as any. school is pretty rockin. good classes and an awesome shakespeare TA.....there was going to be a point to this song...i mean post...but puff the magic dragon kept popping in my head. now im rockin to dream theater, before was integrity. mmmm. I'm already in a jazz combo at UMD. the jazz director signed me up for one before i even asked. it was awesome. oh! and this dude at chuck's, ah 40 year old Brazillian man named Roger (but with the accents that i cant type) wanted me to give him bass lessons...he got my email and everyting. he was amazed at how i sounded. apparently i sounded like jaco pastorius..who happens to be my idol. it was a good day. three day weekend, and hoimework tomorrow. gotta be a good student..hah. maybe.

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