Tuesday, April 26, 2005

fuck all you uppity bitches who think you know everything. fuck all you who think you know better than me. fuck you if think you're better than me. fuck you if you think you know me better than myself. you dont have a goddamn inkling of an idea. fuck you if you think you can play me, lead me at your will. i won't follow any of you. i'm glad i'm not there beside you. fuck you if you think i'll take silence as an answer. im loud and i'm fuckin pissed. fuck you if you think you can lie to my face and i wont notice your faltering speech or your wandering eye. fuck the love you think you have. fuck your bullshit excuse for a heart. and while im at it, fuck you. i don't give a damn about any of your lives so don't bother trying to pretend like you want to say something.

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