Wednesday, February 18, 2009

quantum physics is the bane of my existence

"...why is mathematics so effective in describing nature and is mathematics an invention of the human mind or part of the fabric of physical reality?"

i have often wondered that myself. why IS mathematics so good at describing the world? who is to say that two trees ARE two trees and not three. who's to say three isn't fifteen? consistent labeling has allowed humanity to leave our planet. it has allowed us to drive steam engines across continents (while [in]humanly enslaving others physically, emotionally, and culturally). patterns and the identification of such made for incredibly ancient calendars. so what if it's all wrong? there are things we cannot describe with contemporary mathematics. we, well scientists, are simultaneously looking at the most infinite expanses in the universe and the most infinitesimally small particles that KIND of exist. they are beyond conventional and even theoretical physics. what does that say for our "math?" it has brought civilization this far. god, i mean the church certainly didn't do it (sorry jesus, your pops ain't gettin' no props). good ol fashion human ingenuity. yeppers. that's the shit right there. but now it could kill us all in a single blast (thank you manhattan project). will this imaginary mathematics ever save us? lead us into understanding? it's about time humans evolved again. where you at third limb??

oh, heey there!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

dont be scared, it's just a name

"how the hell are we going to keep up with our retired employee health benefits when we can barely keep our doors open???" GM (generally misguided). maybe i'm blinded by my own biases, but i really can't think of any other solution to these problems than a nationalized health care system. c'mooon Obama, where's that shit at?? oh, right. socialism. baad. "democapitalocracy." good. hmpf. socialism seems to have this scary aura about it, when really it could probably fix shit. the more i hear about this economic shit storm, the more i hear about problems related to health care and benefits. the answer seems to be right there. i guess i should file my taxes now to get my money before it's all gone. i thin i should start my training in (s)wordsmithery to defend myself if the world comes to fisticuffs.

Monday, February 16, 2009

when i was a young lad, i looked up at the infinite heavens and could not help but stand in awe. the size of the universe, the sheer number of stars and infinitesimally small feeling i got from it was incredible. soon after the thought arose that with so many stars, so many other solar systems and so many galaxies, there must be another one of me looking back at me on some other planet earth, in another maryland, in another hyattsville, in another exact replica of my backyard. the possibilities, with so much supposedly infinite space in the universe, are endless, therefore allowing, at least by my own logic (and apparently the logic of astrophysicists as i have recently learned) there to be another planet earth. This would then mean that everything could be happening simultaneously here and there. As i think to write this sentence, my counterpart is doing the exact same thing, at the exact same time. that begs the question though, that if the chances that things are happening at the same time are not as high as if that same "universe" or "existence" was rolling along ahead or behind my own, is my destiny already predetermined? if not trillions of light years away? that would also open up time travel in that i could visit "myself" on planet earth #1/2 and see my world in the same particular set up, just not as far along as my own, or even earth #56 (future). i have free will, in the sense that i may never know those other existences because of the great infinity, but the chances are so convincing, that i cannot really believe it. at least right now. but it makes life easier to ignore that fact and choose as if you had the choice. i've got to go to work.

Friday, February 06, 2009

live for yourself!think before you speak!everything your mum tolled you! elieve she was right!only lie when you have to!be honest!believe what everyone tells you!be alone!be afraid of yourself!believe in yourself!true faith is speech speaking:

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

do you ever feel like you're never yourself? do you ever feel like the ocean is empty? how long til we're bored of ourselves again. the ocean is the only thing that'll save us now. id give anything to live again. i'd trade anything for 1950 again. like the end of the world was only three hours away. if only in your heart i reside. the ocean is the only thing that will save you now. i said...

Sunday, February 01, 2009

im back bitches!!! its been like three years? lets see if i keep it up. sorry for everyone who checked this and never saw anything new. though if you knew me, you knew the new.