Tuesday, February 17, 2009

dont be scared, it's just a name

"how the hell are we going to keep up with our retired employee health benefits when we can barely keep our doors open???" GM (generally misguided). maybe i'm blinded by my own biases, but i really can't think of any other solution to these problems than a nationalized health care system. c'mooon Obama, where's that shit at?? oh, right. socialism. baad. "democapitalocracy." good. hmpf. socialism seems to have this scary aura about it, when really it could probably fix shit. the more i hear about this economic shit storm, the more i hear about problems related to health care and benefits. the answer seems to be right there. i guess i should file my taxes now to get my money before it's all gone. i thin i should start my training in (s)wordsmithery to defend myself if the world comes to fisticuffs.

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