Sunday, January 02, 2005

lets see...which out of state school can i transfer to and start my life over? any suggestions? my past here haunts and torments me daily. i seem to have inadevertantly created a reputation that i abhor. i have the worst time getting through the days dealing with it all. it's alwasy in the back of my mind constantly reminding me of the life i wanted to leave behind. but that seems to follow me wherever i go. fuck it. go on without me, ill hold here. the more you say im not like the others, the harder you try to take my hand and go and then you say i cant play this game forever. you are the king of killers. ive seen what you do. carving through the hearts and souls of many. with cloven hoofs you stomp the dreams of men, of men far greater than me. I'm not going, I'll hold there. im done. this is done. fuck you nostalgia. i was so naive and got trapped in your illustrious grasp. thsi is the day that i opened my eyes so wide that it nearly took my life away and im finally seeing all the things that ive been missing. could it really be that i have been so blind or just merely looking the other way. today the world comes into focus and the hardest truth that i have ever known grabs me by the throat....This world will run right through you This world will run you through. fuck. fuck fuck. time to move on. soaked through with gasoline with a hollowpoint thruth in hand.

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