Sunday, February 13, 2005

it's so black and white
look into my eyes and you'll see you dying
thats only my best wish for you so dont worry
my dreams wont come true
your heart's as fake as your filthy smile
it's all on you, it's all your fault
all my blood coats your hands and you thought lies could wash you clean?
so young, so naive, so coldbut thats what makes you fly
c'mon hit me with your best shot, hit me
nothing you can throw will make you any better
you'll never be the best friend, you'll never be the lover
you're always the worst one, the jilted little girl everyone sees through
dont go now, i havent had time to say i hate you
you havent had time to force i love you's
take my hand and ill lead you down to your end
there's no going back to innocence, you've always trembled from the guilt, now you'll shake from the knife in my hand

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