Sunday, March 15, 2009

friday the 13th...twas a day of very bad energy. i witnessed four near accidents and many stupid drivers. a lot of odd things happened too. lights flickering for the first time ever. coincidences galore. i definitely believe coincidences are just that, but when many occur in a very short period...i perk up. it cant just be the day. that doesnt make any sense. i think it's mass hysteria. collective improvisation of a multitude of minds. that's how you make superstitions come true. if enough people believe in them, the energy vibrations from those thoughts can join each other and actually bring that idea in to existence. maybe that's how prayer and chanting work. in fact, i believe it is. it has to come from strong minds, and strong intention. it is intentions that are the basis of energy for an action. nothing always turns out right. one may have good intentions but ruin a situation. there is no evil in that. only mishaps and a negative(in regards to pleasure and stress reduction) outcome. if one removes desire from their life, suffering will vanish.

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