Sunday, March 15, 2009

fuck late night infomercials
fuck tvs atop gas station pumps
fuck all of you who want nothing more than pleasure out of life.
fuck the pricks in federal hill who love drinkin and fuckin
im the prick from dc who makes love and gets blitzed off of friends and good times
the world is full of too much bull shit
this is the shit the pollutes our minds
materialism, desire, and greed. these are what makes humans evil.
we have a blank slate. we have hearts of gold.
but only until the curse of pop culture reigns down upon the masses of ignorant nubile minds.
who is there to dispute the dynasty of commercialism?
we are all too entangled. even those who remove themselves are too far removed to understand the role it plays.
the cycle of bullshit and false hope is inescapable.
drunks pick up half-lit cigarettes from the street.
girls lay incoherent on the stoop of the market.
irish pubs spew college men past their prime.
drunk girls still wander home with those with the worst intentions.
no one cares anymore. i just want to meet someone who cares.
is there anyone i can talk to anymore?

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